modern waiting area with pendant lighting
Since 2007

LED Lighting Specialists

Perfect Fit fixtures are custom made for an exact fit in your project, yet cost less than off the shelf products from other suppliers.

stairs in a modern entryway

Stairway Lighting

hobby bar
bathroom counter lit blue
bathroom counter lit blue
Cove Lighting

Ceiling Drop Cloud with Perimeter Linear Lighting

shower nook
Shower Niche lighted with Perfect Fit Single Fixture (wet location rated)

Lighting Inspirations

Under Cabinet Lighting

Functional and attractive under cabinet lighting made with Perfect Fit Single Fixtures.

Cove Lighting

Crown molding and cove lighting using Perfect Fit LED Fixtures.

Toe Kick & Accent Lighting

Perfect Fit LED fixtures are ideal for toe kick and other accent lighting applications.

Shelf & Display Lighting

Perfect Fit fixtures provide versatile shelf and display lighting.

Perfect Fit Linear LED Lighting

Perfect Fit Lighting Fixtures are custom-designed, LED fixtures made in the USA.

kitchen countertop
recessed lighting above floor to ceiling windows
Perfect Fit Linear LED Lighting Logo

Why Northwest LED Lighting?

Northwest LED Lighting designs and produces PERFECT FIT Linear LED Lighting in our Mount Vernon shop using only premium components.  Our products are custom made for an exact fit in your project, yet cost less than off the shelf products from other suppliers.

whidbey pendant lighting

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